Föreläsning till kvinnliga nätverk


Söker ni en föreläsare till ert kvinnliga nätverk?

Nina Buchaus er en erfaren, inspirerande och kunnig föreläsare som har lång erfarenhet av att tala för kvinnliga nätverk om ämnen som ger publiken nyttiga verktyg, igenkänning och snackisar att ta med sig efter. 

Nina föreläser om

  • Retorik - konsten att övertyga
  • Retorik för kvinnor
  • Smart kommunikation
  • Ta plats och påverka
  • Nätverka proffsigare
  • Presentationsteknik
  • Hantera och bemöt härskartekniker
  • Bemötande i tuffa situationer

Respons från från kvinnliga nätverk som har lyssnat på Nina

”På ett lättsamt och humoristiskt sätt förmedlar Nina retorikens konster. Med sig hem får man tips och kunskap som man kan använda sig av i vardagen på jobbet och hemma hos familjen.” Tack! Katja Norström, Informationsansvarig, Fastighetsbyrån - HK 

"Toppenkväll med bra föreläsare!", "Trevligt med mycket bra föreläsare.", "Intressant och inspirerande.", "Kul och lärorikt!" Nätverket Addher#Sogeti a part of Capgemini - nätverk för kvinnor i IT-branschen 

"Proffsig, mycket intressant innehåll som framförs suveränt bra!" Monica-Atterberg-Göransson

"Otroligt tydlig och lät att lyssna på! Många användbara tips. En tydlig, röd tråd, att följa genom hela föreläsningen. Mycket bra! Sagt av Anne Andersson, Hässleholms kommun

Se Nina föreläsa här!

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Mastering rhetorical and presentation techniques

Mountains of rhetoric training and tools! Inspiring! Networking! Sharing of experience! Results directly after training!

Rhetoric training with conviction and consolidation. You get a unique opportunity to train your oral communication to become intelligible and trustworthy in your verbal exchanges, discussions and presentations. Tools are carefully chosen to give the best results.

Who is this training aimed at?

The training is aimed at those who realise how important and valuable human expression is in the social and communicative context: presentations, meetings, argumentation, discussions etc.

What do you learn?

Taking the floor and influencing. Mastering the art of the pause. Talking clearly. Adapting to target group! Stressing strongly. Keeping the main thread. Body language. Ethos. Logos. Pathos. Speech tools. Handling master suppression techniques. The secret behind gestures - and much more.

Participant Anna Harr speaks about rhetoric training

Thanks for a wonderful training! I have just had my first big meeting since the training.  I got a lot of pleasure out of the gestures and was really aware of what I was doing.  Made me feel more confident than I had expected!

Regards Anna Harr,  Controller Strategic Sourcing at PartnerTech AB

What other participants are saying

  • The training gets a good 9/10 and the trainer gets a 10/10! The tools really help personality development. Many useful work tips. Mats Gustafsson, Toyota Financial Services
  • The best thing was that in one day, we delivered so many short presentations and got direct feedback on them. Anna Källman, Atlas Copco Drills AB
  • Nina created a good atmosphere. She is really capable, clear and gives feedback in a constructive way. Clear and straight to the point! MANY THANKS! Michaela Rogersten



  • From good to brilliant speaker! Set a final goal for your training and development.
  • Spellbind immediately. First impressions, take in the room in 3 seconds! Staging to make an impact
  • No more embarrassing or wasted silences - learn to master all art-of-the-pause subtleties.
  • Adapting what you say to target group. What’s in it for them? Get tips on how to tailor your message for the audience.
  • Are you lacking structure? Learn the indispensable structure of rhetoric which forms the thread of what you say.
  • The art of arguing - taking on-board the rhetorical check-list for your argumentation: ethos, logos and pathos.
  • Visualise and act out! With rhetorical figures of speech, you simplify the message and make it understandable for your audience.
  • Reflection and summary
  • The day finishes at 16.30


  • Practice strong body language techniques: posture, gestures and body positions that reinforce the message and attitudes.
  • Tough messages and inspiring information. Learn two new ways to express yourself, openly and assertively. Two ways that help when you need to communicate difficult decisions or create inspiration and openness.
  • Adopt simple voice techniques such as varying strength and emphasis on key and value words.
  • Mimicry and eye language. Your mimicry and eye contact can lower or raise interest in what you say. Learn to discover the differences!
  • Charisma killing tics! Do you have confidence killing tics? Become aware of them to get rid of them.
  • Reflection, summary and diploma awards ceremony.
  • The day finishes at 16.30

You get personal, challenging and developmental rhetoric coaching!

As a participant during the training, you get individual feedback on your presentations that is personal, challenging and developmental. You are videoed on two occasions with a follow-up analysis and constructive feedback. 

For questions on training and what’s on offer, please contact Nina Buchaus nina@creviretorik.se, tel: +46 (0)70-632 21 92


Rhetoric for Women - intensive course for woman who want to have more say, adopt the right tone and be more assertive! 

The popular training programme “Rhetoric for Women” that Nina Buchaus conducts has welcomed over 500 participants since it started in 2012. The difference between male and female communication can be an obstacle or an asset. Don’t miss this training that gives you concrete tools for surer and more professional impression! 

In this training programme, you learn to get your message across at meetings and oral presentations – skilfully, clearly and intelligibly. 

A professional rhetoric is one that can manage challenging situations during meetings and presentations. Break ineffective habits that often make you feel limited in your role with rhetorical tricks. During the training, women will get the chance to learn how to deliver their message assertively and intelligibly. You’ll also learn how to feel comfortable when giving, for example, oral presentations. By learning persuasion techniques, you’ll quickly radiate more assertiveness and self-assurance. This is something you can make use of inside and outside the office, not least in different types of negotiations. 

Said by participants who had followed the “Rhetoric for Women” training programme 

  • I feel really pepped up now! A remarkable and very important course for many women – but it was still Nina Buchaus who made it all work. Many Thanks! Mia Simm, Solna City 
  • The best thing was that in one day, we delivered so many short presentations and got direct feedback on them. Anna Källman, Atlas Copco Drills AB 
  • Nina created a good atmosphere. She is really capable, clear and gives feedback in a constructive way. Direct and straight to the point! MANY THANKS! Michaela Rogersten

During the training, you learn: 

  • Rhetoric’s important foundation stones – become a skilful and committed speaker
  • How to overcome stage fright – How can nerves and stress be handled in a successful way?
  • How to put together a sales presentation
  • Argument and negotiate your affairs in a better way with three arguments
  • Body language – voice – mimicry – eye contact – subliminal messages
  • Practice simple voice techniques such as the art of the pause and variations of strength to emanate trustworthiness and clarity
  • Male and female language – what are the differences and how to make use of them based on situation and purpose?
  • How to master two strong characters – the open character and the credible character
  • Be aware of your tics; repetitive communicative signals that distort and stand in the way of what you are saying

Coaching and direct feedback – During the course, all participants get personal feedback about their presentations, which is both challenging and developmental. You are videoed and analysed on one occasion and get constructive feedback to help you achieve the best results with your own development.

Example of a two-day training programme 

Programme and course content 

The training programme abounds with concrete techniques and tools to hone your rhetoric. You get to practice all the techniques and get constructive feedback on how you implemented them. You’ll also get to play a part in other participants’ training and learn from their rhetoric and feedback - better examples are hard to find. Both days start at 09.00 and finish at 16.30. We take a break for lunch and afternoon tea/coffee. 

Training course content day 1 


  • Power poser: opening and closing techniques: taking the stage and command at the start and finishing with gusto 
  • Concrete speaking techniques on how to awaken interest in your introductions and conclusions 
  • Get help from all of your body with the right body position; power pose and correct opening gestures 
  • Express yourself with the right tone from the start and choose the right words for your target group and message 
  • You thus take the stage by storm in the introduction where you want to emanate trustworthiness and charisma 
  • Argumentation techniques: deliver a package with three clear arguments 
  • Create a main thread, clarity, and get to the point with the help of a rhetorical argumentation model 
  • Rhetorical speech techniques that increase the intelligibility and impact of what you say 
  • Make full use of the rhetorical triangle: ethos, logos and pathos – the foundation stones for creating trustworthiness

Training course content day 2 


  • Character techniques: persuading with male and female styles and how you can make use of the differences! 
  • Expressing yourself assertively: building assertiveness, putting a stop to the debate and announcing definitive decisions 
  • Expressing yourself with openness: creating an open, motivated and positive climate for your message 
  • Voice techniques: small subtleties that make a big difference 
  • Getting to grips with master suppression techniques. Seeing the patterns and how you can break them 
  • Being aware of the impression you make with your voice and practising getting rid of voice patterns that are unadvantageous 
  • Learning to adopt the right tone and use your voice for two different purposes: the assertive voice and the open voice 
  • Learning to master powerful pauses, emphasis and conclusive tone 
  • Body language techniques: finding strength in your body language 
  • Practice 12 powerful gestures and clear body positions for your oral communication 
  • You assimilate simple tricks for the right eye contact for small and big occasions

For questions on training and what’s on offer, please contact Nina Buchaus nina@creviretorik.se, tel: +46 (0)70-632 21 92 

Mediaträning med retorik till dig som vill rusta dig inför media och PR

Ta kommandot. Ta kontrollen. Ta och rusta dig med retoriska tekniker inför mötet med journalister, media och PR. Under träningen får du träna dig i tekniker som du har nytta av i intervjun - framför kameran eller i telefonintervjun. Du får värdefull och konstruktiv feedback som du har nytta av i mötet med media.

Kommentar från tidigare deltagare
"Blandningen mellan teorier och tekniker och konkreta övningar var bra! Bra att ha möjlighet att påverka budskapet så att det passar min situation. Jag fick med mig mer energi och dynamik när jag talar i media. Christer Perslöv, VD Bokrondellen

Framgång i förberedelsearbetet - hur trovärdigt är budskapet?

  • Vilka målgrupper blir berörda? Vilka målgrupper vill jag nå?
  • Hur förbereder jag mig mentalt?
  • Hur bemöter jag negativ kritik?
  • Hur förbereder jag mig innehållsmässigt?
  • Hur ser min röda tråd ut?
  • Vilka värdeord vill jag få fram och vad har jag för kärnbudskap?
  • Vilka tre argument har jag?
  • Hur sammanfattar jag tydligt och trovärdigt?

Framgång framför kameran och telefonintervjun - hur trovärdigt är ditt intryck?

  • Hur gör jag i skarpt läge?
  • Hur uppfattas jag under en intervju?
  • Hur och när sätter jag punkt?
  • Hur uppfattas min röst, mitt tonläge?
  • Hur uppfattas min mimik och mitt kroppsspråk?
  • Vad ska jag göra mindre av och vad ska jag göra mer av?

Mediaträningen ger dig träning i följande

  • Frågetekniker
  • Start- och sluttekniker
  • Argumentationstekniker
  • Språktekniker
  • Rösttekniker
  • Mimiktekniker
  • Kroppsspråkstekniker

Mediaträning individuellt eller i grupp
Mediaträningen skräddarsys efter ert behov, individuellt eller i grupp, se förslagen nedan.

Mediaträning individuellt: Två timmars mediaträning under tre tillfällen (6 h totalt).

Mediaträning i mindre grupp: 2-5 deltagare, två timmars mediaträning under tre tillfällen (6 h totalt).

Mediaträning i stor grupp: 6-15 deltagare, hel dag 09.00-16.30.

Välkommen att kontakta mig för vidare diskussion om just ert behov.  
info@creviretorik, mobil: 070-632 21 92

Vill ni kommunicera tydligare och trovärdigare? Vill ni arrangera en utbildning på ert företag? 

Crevi Retorik anordnar skräddarsydda utbildningar på ditt företag. Exempel på olika inriktningar:

  • Att behärska retorik och presentationsteknik
  • Retorik och argumentationsteknik
  • Retorik för kvinnor
  • Jämnställd kommunikation - synliggör och bemöt härskartekniker
  • Retorik och PowerPoint-presentationer
  • Karisma i kommunikationen
  • Train the trainer

Mer information om utbildningarna - klicka här! 

Läs om IT-företaget som storsatsade på retorik


Feedback från deltagare som genomfört Crevi Retoriks utbildningar: 

"Nina, du var mycket inspirerande och pedagogisk. Mycket praktiska övningar, mycket bra feedback. Retoriken skapade på kort tid en förändring av mina framföranden!" Sagt av Ann Almgren, Veolia Transport Sverige AB

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